唐鳳是我目前人生的偶像 每次認真聽他演講都覺得是讓人嚇一跳的厲害 不是那種天才型出世又臭屁的厲害 是種有人文關懷, 入世而溫暖的厲害 今天唐鳳被德國Vodafone邀請來做Video Conference The topic is about The digital transformation in Taiwan during era of Corona Virus spread. Taiwan expereinces: Humor over Rumor to educate and communicate to public Rely on private sector cooperation to collect data and develop plateform Radical transparency After SARS, we have started to work on legal framework to obtain epedemic information in order to control its spread physically and virtually Covid 19 also imposes opportunities: the common goal is very clear for everyone. There is a shared objective to fight against its spread. Also, it forces people to test and try out the latest technology tools available in spite of previous bias or outdated information of user expereince 覺得自己筆記的真爛, 但是沒關係 It is a working in progress anyway for myself....