
Showing posts from 2020

Communication stragy in virtual world- class note week 4

Formal speaking and presentation 5% rule: ppl only remember 5% of what you said. One sentence and one general impression. Build the memorable one sentence To make the one sentence they remember: Make it a "goal opportunity statement" eg, if  we use the blue ocean strategy we can achieve 5% savings in 3 years  and use the "KNOW phrase eg, blue ocean strategy to link it through out the presentation" Build a confident first impression To create a confident general impression virtually, use area 47 opening with a pause. what could be my area 47 opening? I am a buyer who does not like cheap stuffs I married to a Hungarian I spend 7 months in Romania Bruce Lee motto: be wate Build your slide to beg the questsions one picture very few words good examples for inspirations:

Communication stragy in virtual world- class note week 3

Communication Communication fitting individual style 4 communication styles and the counter strategy hostile (I dont agree with this term, rather prefer blunt and straight) : ppl who say no to your face communication strategy: category and bullets are the style they think. So communicate to them that way indifferent: ppl who do not react: they need to feel important.  communication strategy: ask for their help and advices instead of asking directly for what you need uninformted: ppl who never have time communication strategy: empathy plus point of view. show that you understand they are busy and ask for their guidances supportive : the yes person. ppl who wants to be liked by everyone  communication strategy: 3 steps small talks everything / everybody : everybody's approval from general commitment go to specific commitment: remember to throw in 1 and 2 occasionally when you feel the push back to commit Understand individual motivations motivati...

Communication stragy in virtual world- class note week 2

How to prepare a good meeting Agenda with clear purpose for everyone. good example of Agenda Prepare pychological safety place for everyone the key for effective team is the team with clear rules how to communicate with each other (Google study). 2 important rules everyone feel they can say something  emotional sensitivity to catch non-verbal cues those 2 elements creates a safe environment for the team. How to folster such team spirits / breaking ice in the virtual world_  ask ppl to answer a question ask ppl to go watch a link and comment ask ppl to bring an example and come back with a link plan games two truth and one lie question game.... (maybe not easily to replicate virtually...I dont know yet. But it looks fun..) Creating mini working groups How to take questions effectively rephrase the question and check with the rest of the audience "which one of you...

Communication stragy in virtual world- class note week 1

3 traps to avoid in communication lecture instead of sharing personal experince use formal terms instead of normal day to day talk too many details instead of one vivid graphic detail Reward the teammember: compliment in a group email Give the team a space to vent : a group communication channel (such as a whatsapp group) ans has nothing to do with work and the manager is not part of it......The manager can encourage the team to use it by assigning a random task (please share your favorite joke with your friends) 4 steps to address a difficult conversaion:  ADDRESS : I notice there is a recent pattern of lateness (third person) ADMIT: I also admit sometime I can not manage the time well because I have many things to do (share the guilt) ACCESS: why do you think this happens? what do we do about it? ASK: why dont we try to do this next week for a month? (put down a time range for test)  

關於#taiwan can help#taiwan is helping

2020對台灣像是大富翁走到翻了機會命運卡的時機 全球的武漢肺炎疫情我們一枝獨秀地走出了一條不一樣的路 第一次台灣登上了這麼多新聞的版面 我們也發現了我們雖然是小國小島, 但我們可以有發光發熱的優勢 為了回應機車的WHO, 台灣的部分熱血公民們集資做了這個網站, 向世界說了一些話 In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity 今天剛好看到以下捷克前總理Havel的這段文字, 很能呼應以上的心情 "Peace, solidarity and cooperation are only conceivable among peoples and nations who know who they are" 只有清楚理解自己是誰的人們和國家才能理解和平, 團結與合作的概念 "If I don't know who I am, who I want to be, what I want to achieve, where I begin and where I end, then my relations with the people around me and the world at large will inevitably be tense, suspicious and burdened by an inferiority complex that may go hidden behind puffed-up bravura" 如果我不知道我是誰, 想成為甚麼樣子的人, 想成就些甚麼, 要從何開始從何結束, 那麼我與身邊其他人以及整個世界的關係不可避免地會變得緊張多疑, 還會故意用浮誇炫耀的武裝來掩飾自己的自卑情結 把這樣的觀察與最近台灣越來越正面的社會氛圍比較之下 對於自己是誰 我們已經找到答案了嗎? 我的想法是這不是一個單向的關係 藉由找到和其他人或是其他國互動的關係 找到自己的定位是一種彼此互相助長的動力 我們在別人的身上可以看到自己 也可以從害怕世界看不到台灣的自卑情結中走出來 Well done Taiwan!


無聊的待產期間 我在家裡自己學易經 學習的材料有南懷瑾的易經雜說, 傅佩榮的樂天知命, 還有傅佩榮解乾卦的youtube課 今天學到如何用數字卜卦 好奇之下立刻來應用看看 問了兩個問題 一個是目前武漢肺炎的情勢走向 結果是山風蠱, 初六, 變卦是山天大畜 蠱的卦詞: 元亨, 利涉大川, 先甲三日, 後甲三日 以和順的態度來阻止偏差, 使天下治理完善, 革除積習, 前三天除舊, 後三天佈新 初六的爻辭是: 幹父之蠱, 有子 (靠好兒子來改正前人的過錯), 考無咎 (這樣前人才不會守到責難), 厲終吉 (雖然危險但最後是正面的結果) 還有另一個是生產過程是否順利 結果是地山謙, 初六, 變卦是地火明夷 謙的卦詞: 亨, 君子有終 平順通達,結果正面 初六的爻辭是:謙謙君子,用涉大川,吉(謙虛的君子,以謙虛的態度管理自己,吉祥) 這兩個卦都是吉卦,基本上和我對這些事情的看法也類似,第一次卜卦就有吉兆讓我現在心情大好 但金牛座的理性派還是忍不住懷疑,這些解釋都是很主觀的看法,比如我覺得我的生產心態是很走自然路線的,可以說是師法自然,當然也可以解釋為一種謙虛的態度,所以最後的結果會很順利,但這完全就是我自己在想的阿,所以這個卜卦會不會只是一種強烈的自我暗示,人人都可以看到自己想要看到的現象和解卦方法?


唐鳳是我目前人生的偶像 每次認真聽他演講都覺得是讓人嚇一跳的厲害 不是那種天才型出世又臭屁的厲害 是種有人文關懷, 入世而溫暖的厲害 今天唐鳳被德國Vodafone邀請來做Video Conference The topic is about The digital transformation in Taiwan during era of Corona Virus spread. Taiwan expereinces:  Humor over Rumor to educate and communicate to public Rely on private sector cooperation to collect data and develop plateform Radical transparency  After SARS, we have started to work on legal framework to obtain epedemic information in order to control its spread physically and virtually Covid 19 also imposes opportunities: the common goal is very clear for everyone. There is a shared objective to fight against its spread. Also, it forces people to test and try out the latest technology tools available in spite of previous bias or outdated information of user expereince  覺得自己筆記的真爛, 但是沒關係 It is a working in progress anyway for myself.... 


我熱愛饅頭包子 身為50%的外省眷村人, 我想我對它們的熱情其來有自 但我們家的媽媽既然沒有從外公身上學到這門技術 理由就是自己做麻煩死了, 外面買不就好了嗎? 讓我一直相信這一定困難的不得了的任務, 從來沒有想要嘗試做做看 但是命運的捉弄讓我接下來在德國的月子沒有月嫂也沒有媽媽, 只有米酒米醋傻傻分不清楚的Jano還有不知道做菜好不好吃的買菜小天使來幫忙 想要吃好吃的東西現在就得做好放冷凍自力救濟 所以昨晚我鼓起勇氣來做饅頭, 來救濟接下來的月子早餐 成果非常讓人滿意, 我決定把成分和做法記錄下來, 以後可以常常做 就把這一味當作是傳家菜第一道好了 四顆一般大小的饅頭的材料用量 麵粉200克 速發酵母3克 砂糖20克 一小撮鹽 水100 cc 一湯匙無糖優格 首先把所有材料混在一起, 用手揉到三光的境界 三光其實不用太久, 大概三到五分鐘吧 然後把麵團放在鋼盆裡, 上面蓋濕布休息三到五分鐘 再拿出來揉一揉 分成四等分之後 壓扁, 從四角往中心折疊幾次 整形之後, 饅頭本人的雛型就完成了 接下來把雛型放在裁好的烤箱紙上放進烤箱裡發酵 發酵這次我發了快要一個小時 接下來就是進蒸籠蒸25分鐘之後把大同電鍋的開關關掉 開個小縫散熱五分鐘 然後四個好吃的饅頭就完成了


叫他武漢肺炎就已經定調了我對這次疫情的某些想法 這次的疫情是從中國來的, 大外宣沒有辦法洗腦到我 WHO有更名為COVID19, 但我偏偏不想用, 因為WHO這次的作為真的很讓人不齒 中國對於疫情的延燒和擴大要負絕對的責任, 從中央到地方都有問題, 而且中央的責任要大很多 對中國的防疫我沒法評價, 因為所有的資訊都不透明, 確診率, 治癒率, 致死率沒有可靠的數字, 要如何確認防疫效果 資訊不透明是中國最大的問題, 但這也使得評價中國永遠有數個版本, 中國國內的中國好棒棒版和國際上各種程度的半信半疑版 對這次台灣的防疫行動我是很驕傲的, 又結合科技, 又洞燭先機掌握SARS的經驗, 接地氣又符合民情, 真的是我是台灣人我驕傲 但是自從疫情延燒到世界各地之後, 台灣的輿論開始一面倒地看衰別國, 尤其是戰要不要戴口罩, 要不要封邊境, 要如何檢疫, 好像所有台灣人都變成世界的防疫專家, 自我感覺良好, 好像不照台灣模式做的國家就是佛系防疫, 就是好傻好天真 我覺得這樣是壓抑的民族自尊心的扭曲展現, 並不健康, 看看我們鄰居中國壓抑的自尊心一旦被鼓動起來有多反智, 要引以為戒 在德國的杜賽是德國疫情的重災區, 但是有幾個分析我覺得可以解釋為什麼德國做法和台灣不同, 其中的理由和決策基礎和德國的民情文化相符合, 但這不表示德國人都是傻子阿 口罩: 口罩的防疫效果科學證據不足, 而且這個結論也不是只在歐美的病毒專家圈的認知, 我也聽過好幾個台灣的病毒專家, 防疫專家有這樣的觀點, 但台灣人愛戴口罩有安心的感覺是民情, 反正也不會對健康有所傷害, why not, 但是我們需要理解台灣疫情控制和全民熱愛戴口罩之間的因果關係是很弱的, 所以並不是德國人不戴口罩就是罪大惡極的疫情擴散原因 確診後的治療: 德國的做法是請大家有疑似病例不要進醫院, 由專線確診, 確診之後輕症就請在家自我隔離讓身體自己戰勝病毒, 重症才要進醫院治療, 為的就是保障醫療資源不被分散拖累, 目前台灣因為確診人數夠少, 可以有辦法每一例都進醫院治療, 光是這一點就不知道有多少在德國的台灣人哇哇叫覺得自己好不安全, 因為有病的人沒被關在醫院裡, 但我覺得如果要打的是長期抗戰的話, 台灣有可能會要調整作法的, 這次的病毒實務上來說只能用時間換...