
Showing posts from July, 2020

Communication stragy in virtual world- class note week 4

Formal speaking and presentation 5% rule: ppl only remember 5% of what you said. One sentence and one general impression. Build the memorable one sentence To make the one sentence they remember: Make it a "goal opportunity statement" eg, if  we use the blue ocean strategy we can achieve 5% savings in 3 years  and use the "KNOW phrase eg, blue ocean strategy to link it through out the presentation" Build a confident first impression To create a confident general impression virtually, use area 47 opening with a pause. what could be my area 47 opening? I am a buyer who does not like cheap stuffs I married to a Hungarian I spend 7 months in Romania Bruce Lee motto: be wate Build your slide to beg the questsions one picture very few words good examples for inspirations: