Communication stragy in virtual world- class note week 1

3 traps to avoid in communication
  1. lecture instead of sharing personal experince
  2. use formal terms instead of normal day to day talk
  3. too many details instead of one vivid graphic detail
Reward the teammember: compliment in a group email

Give the team a space to vent : a group communication channel (such as a whatsapp group) ans has nothing to do with work and the manager is not part of it......The manager can encourage the team to use it by assigning a random task (please share your favorite joke with your friends)

4 steps to address a difficult conversaion: 
  1. ADDRESS : I notice there is a recent pattern of lateness (third person)
  2. ADMIT: I also admit sometime I can not manage the time well because I have many things to do (share the guilt)
  3. ACCESS: why do you think this happens? what do we do about it?
  4. ASK: why dont we try to do this next week for a month? (put down a time range for test)



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