Communication stragy in virtual world- class note week 2

How to prepare a good meeting

Agenda with clear purpose for everyone.

  • good example of Agenda

Prepare pychological safety place for everyone

the key for effective team is the team with clear rules how to communicate with each other (Google study). 2 important rules

  1. everyone feel they can say something 
  2. emotional sensitivity to catch non-verbal cues
those 2 elements creates a safe environment for the team.

How to folster such team spirits / breaking ice in the virtual world_ 

  • ask ppl to answer a question
  • ask ppl to go watch a link and comment
  • ask ppl to bring an example and come back with a link
  • plan games
    • two truth and one lie
    • question game....(maybe not easily to replicate virtually...I dont know yet. But it looks fun..)
  • Creating mini working groups
How to take questions effectively

  1. rephrase the question and check with the rest of the audience "which one of you also have the same question?" to engage with the whole room
  2. feel, felt, found. 
  3. relate: go back to the key point


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